35 F with nephrotic syndrome


35 year old female P2L2A1 presented to casualty with complaints of :

Pedal edema since 6 months 

Sob since 6 months- grade 1 initially progressed to grade 4 .

Loss of appetite since 6 months 

Fatigue since 6 months 

Generalized anasarca since 3 months .

Timeline of events  : 

Past history - Not a k/c/o  CAD ,CVA ,TB , Epilepsy .

On presentation her vitals : 

Bp -160/100 mmhg

Pulse rate - 108 bpm,regular normal volume ,no radio radial delay .

RR - 28/min.    

 Spo2- 88% On RA and with 6 lit oxygen 94% 

Grbs -125 mg/dl 

Temp -99.4 F 


Pt C/C/C

Pallor - present

No icterus , clubbing, cyanosis,koilonychia , lymphadenopathy .

B/L pedal edema - pitting type present. 

Generalized anasarca noted

Jvp - elevated

Skin - Dry ,scaly , itching present .

Hyperpigmented skin lesions noted on hands ,over chest wall and over knee and shin of both legs .


Cvs - S1S2 present

RS - B/L diffuse crepitations heard in all areas .

CNS - No FND .


PERIPHERAL SMEAR - Normocytic normochromic .

CUE was showing 3 + albuminuria with no RBC.

24 hr urine protein was 1.3 g 

Spot protein creatinine ratio is 4.83. 

Hiv ,hbsag and HCV - negative

ESR - 35 mm/hr 

PT - 27 sec ; INR - 2 ; aptt - 42 sec 

Lipid profile : 

TC - 164 

HDL - 35 

LDL- 105 

VLDL - 24 

TG -122 


T3- 0.11 ; T4- 11.8 ; TSH - 6.88 


B/L gross pleural effusion

B/L grade 2 RPD changes with 

Right kidney measuring - 10 x 4.2 cm 

Left  kidney measuring - 9.8 x 4.1 cm

2D echo : 

Global hypokinesia 

Severe Lv dysfunction (EF-33 %)

Grade 3 diastolic dysfunction

Mild MR and PAH. 

With above history and examination and investigations provisional diagnosis was 


Nephrotic syndrome under evaluation .

? Cardio renal syndrome - Type 5 

K/C/o HTN .


In view of fluid overload /Refractory pulmonary edema patient underwent Hemodialysis. 

5 sessions of hemodialysis was done .

Patient developed LEFT lower limb DVT at the site of femoral catheterization for hemodialysis.

She was started on LMWH for 5 days followed by apixaban 2.5 mg Bd .

After intial stabilization patient  was being evaluated for nephrotic syndrome, so a renal biopsy was performed.

Renal biopsy was suggestive of Renal amyloidosis . 

 Once the diagnosis of renal amyloidosis was established. Next was to rule out whether it's primary or secondary amyloidosis.

Amyloidosis is a heterogeneous disease that results from the deposition of toxic insoluble beta-sheet fibrillar protein aggregates in different tissues. Amyloidosis can be acquired or hereditary. The disease can be localized or systemic. Amyloid can accumulate in the liver, spleen, kidney, heart, nerves, and blood vessels, causing different clinical syndromes, including cardiomyopathy, hepatomegaly, proteinuria, macroglossia, autonomic dysfunction, ecchymoses, neuropathy, renal failure, hypertension, and corneal and vitreous abnormalities.

Previously multiple classification systems have been devised to classify different types of amyloidosis. In modern times it has been classified according to the chemical analysis of amyloid clinical entities. Amyloidosis can be classified according to systemic, hereditary, central nervous system, ocular, and localized etiology. However, the most common types are AL, AA, ATTR (amyloid transport protein transthyretin), and dialysis-related amyloidosis (beta2M type).

In AL amyloidosis, 'A' represents amyloid followed by the associated fibrillar protein, 'L' means light chain fragment or immunoglobulin light chain. In AA amyloidosis, the second A stands for the serum amyloid A protein.


Investigations done to detect evidence of monoclonal plasma cell disorder :

1) SIEP ( Serum immuno-electrophoresis ) - Negative for monoclonal protein.

2) SFLC - ( Serum free light chain ) = 2.66 

Serum Kappa light chain - 441 

Serum lambda light chain - 165.5

3) ESR - 35 mm 

4) Bone marrow aspiration - Reactive marrow with plasmacytosis . Mild increase -12 to 15 % plasma cells .

Other investigations : 

C3/C4 - 93/77

ANA /ANCA/DS DNA = negative

Anti CCP = negative

Anti cardiolipin and beta 2 glycoprotein = negative.


Patient gives no history of joint pains ,rashes ,oral ulcers ,hair loss .

Investigations for secondary amyloidosis: 

1) HRCT chest : 

Right moderate pleural effusion

With collapse of middle lobe with left mild pleural effusion .

Atelectatic bands in right middle lobe 

Cardiomegaly with LA ,LV enlargement.

2) Mantoux test - 20 mm 

3) Bronchoscopy - Normal and BAL was sent for AFB which was negative by auramine rhodamine stain 

Koh mount - no fungal elements

Cell count : DLC - Neutrophils - 100%

Lymphocytes - 0 % 

4) PET CT was performed : 

Shows metabolically active mediastinal nodes 

B/L pleural effusion 

FDG avid enlarged prevascular , right upper , lower paratracheal and subcarinal nodes noted.

- Probably granulomatous .

In view of granulomatous lesions on PET CT a diagnosis of

 ? Secondary amyloidosis (AA amyloidosis) was made secondary to Pulmonary kochs and patient was started on ATT.

On follow up her investigations : in September 

Hb - 10.2 h/dl 

TLC - 7000 cells /mm3 

Platelets - 2.5 lakhs 

 S. Creat - 2.8 mg/dl 

Urea -77 mg/dl

2D echo : 

Suggestive of Severe Lv dysfunction and  Diastolic dysfunction +

Global Lv Hypokinesia.

? DD secondary to restrictive cardiomyopathy due to amyloid deposition .

2D echo links : 






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