
Showing posts from August, 2021

Altered sensorium

 1)  35 yr old male with sudden onse t seizures and altered sensorium since then ..on evaluation with multiple acute infarct s in brain with severe MS and AS. 2)53/F - PCA stroke / ? IC bleed---SAH K/c/o CRHD; severe calcific AS , Moderate LVD Sx- AVR ( TTK - Chitra valve done in 2019). K/c/o HTN since 2 yrs.  3) 30/M - altered state and sob - CKD uremic encphelapathy. 4)26/M-  Hepatic encephalopathy with acute decompensated liver failure Hypotension secondary to ? Sepsis  Right heart failure 5) Yellow phosphorus poisoning -29/F 6)Acute liver failure - hepatoc encephalopathy
    A 43 old male patient  resident of nalgonda ,farmer by occupation ,presented to casualty with complaints of : Low grade Fever since 1 year  . Cough with sputum since 1 year   Complaints of neck pain since 6 months  Weakness of  all both lower limbs since 6 months . HOPI : Patient was married at age of 25 and have 3 children , one son and two daughters . He is farmer by occupation . He is occasional alcoholic and chronic smoker (1-2 packs/day) since 20 years . He was apparently alright till 33 years of age , then in view of generalised weakness pt went for routine evaluation and got diagnosed with diabetes mellites- type 2 and is using OHA since 10 years . He takes his medication regularly . Patient  had history of fever since 1 year which was low grade not associated with chills and rigors, intermittent, associated with diurnal variation and  night sweats. He also complains of cough with scanty white color ,mucoid expectorant since 1 year, non foul smelling, non blood tinged . No d