
Showing posts from January, 2024

An Interesting case of chronic diarrhoea

 New admission - casualty 73/ M presented with hypoglycemia and LOC . Corrected with 25 D .Bp- 130/90 ,pr-92 ,spo2-97 Ra. Pt now C/c/c . C/o Loose stools since 6 months intially 4-5 episodes per day . Liquid to semi solid consistency .Since 2 months frequency increased to 8-10 episodes of loose stools per day ,small quantity and yellow colour No malena , bleeding PR , vomitings. H/o intermittent pain abdomen and low grade fever present. H/o 16 kgs weight loss since months . Pt k/c/o Old CVA , CAD,HTN ,DM . no addictions  Past h/o henioplasty and hydrocele surgery P/a - soft , distended Bs+ Tenderness in left iliac fossa . Diagnosis -Chronic diarrhoea under evaluation ( Large bowel diarrhoea) Plan - all routine investigations and CECT abdomen , Endo,colon .  Endoscopy and colon done in aug 2023 - normal Cect abdomen done showing HCC  Afp- 242.1 Tb-0.3 ,db-0.2 , ast /alt - 163,181 Alp-203 ,alb -3.5  S creat -0.6 Serology negative Hb-11.3 ,tlc - 4840 ,plt - 4lakhs Micu  Deepaksingh takur