
Showing posts from September, 2021

AF with FVR and severe MS

  A 55 year old female ,who is an agricultural labourer came to the casualty around 7pm with the complaints of  shortness of breath since 10 days , increassed from doing minimal works to at rest since 2 days C/ O palpitations since 10 days C/ O decreased urine output since 3 days Anasarca since 3 days Nausea and vomiting since 10 days HOPI: Pt was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ,when the patient had fever for 5-6 days,not associated with cough, cold,loose stools, decreased on medication with paracetamol,after which the patient had shortness of breath even at rest for which she stopped going to the fields,this was associated with palpitations,feeling of nausea and 1 episode of vomiting and light headedness, then she had a decrease in urine output since 3 days , did not pass stools , abdominal distension,pedal edema , for which she was brought to the hospital. Past history: Not a k/c/o diabetes, hypertension,ckd ,cad. Similar complaints of SOB and palpitations 5 years back ,when she wa


 A 60 year old woman presented with the complaints of  Dyspnea at rest since 15 days Left lower limb swelling upto knee since 10 days Reduced urine output since 10 days A 60 year old woman who used to work as a farmer 3 years back, mother of 5 children (3 daughters and 2 sons - 1 son expired, patients attendant reluctant to discuss the cause) presented to the casualty with the complains of dyspnea on exertion since 1 year. 1 year back she visited Osmania hospital for these complaints after which she has been put on medications which she has been using on and off (not documented). Since the past 4 months she has been experiencing dyspnea at rest on and off, whenever she experiences dyspnea she visits a hospital, takes medication and then stops taking them. Since the past 15 days she has been experiencing dyspnea at rest and 10 days back she has had a trauma to her right 2nd toe after which she developed left lower limb swelling along with reduced urine output. She was taken to a local h


 1) 53 yr old male with bi atrial thrombus,pe, descending aorta thrombus Right moderate hemorraghic pleural effusion. 2) Bi atrial thrombus. 3) SEVERE MS and ? Thrombus. 4) PE : 5) PE : 6) rashmita case elog link 7)70 yr old female with cor pulmonale and CLD

60 /F - ?Acute cor pulmonale secondary to PE.

  This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.  Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.  This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome. 60 yr old female , resident of miryalguda , having 4 children. Pt used to work as ayamma in govt hospital. She stopped working 5 years ago due to jaundice and abdominal distension . Pt is chronic alcoholic - 90-180 ml alcohol intake daily ( whiskey ), Non smoker . History of one episode of seizures 8 yrs ago when they visited temple in yadgiri gutta - As she stopped alcohol bcoz she was going to temple. No other seizure episodes till date. 5 years ago pt had h/o abdom